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Climate: CO2 needs ten years Greenhouse effect takes hold after a decade - but then remains for at least a century -Our government parties do almost NOTHING against it


Excerpt from scinexx 3. Dezember 2014

Climate: CO2 needs ten years

Greenhouse effect takes hold after a decade - but then remains for at least a century

Heated up quickly and warm for a long time: the climate system reacts to CO2 faster than expected: warming occurs just ten years after a CO2 emission - but this climate effect then lasts for more than a century, as a study now shows. This should be an incentive for the climate negotiations in Lima, because it means that climate consequences such as heat waves or floods will still be bad in our lifetime - or can be mitigated.

The UN climate conference in Lima has begun, and government representatives are once again negotiating what a new global climate protection agreement might look like. The debate is about emissions, money and commitments. In this context, Katharine Ricke and Ken Caldeira from the Carnegie Institution at Stanford provide an essential building block for the assessment of future climate impacts and also for emission roadmaps.

Und hier geht es zum Artikel

Der Originalartikel 

Und hier noch eine CO2 Übersicht seit 1960 - 2019

That means that we will have at least the next 10-15 years self-made natural disasters!

And these accompany us perhaps the next 100 years!

And which Bundestag parties were in this time in power? Economic power! CDU/CSU and SPD

I ask all to go to vote around the WORLDWIDE POWER of the companies to stop!

1. first come all living beings of the earth with our blue planet earth

2. Abolition of lobbyism

3. hydrogen is considered as our future! Therefore ALL production methods of hydrogen must be tested immediately without delay - funds for this are available!

4. This means that not only the MOST EXPENSIVE production of hydrogen by means of electrolysis and GREEN CURRENT is used, but the production possibilities which require almost NO GREEN CURRENT, and are substantially more favorable in the production and the end user prices.

5. Hydrogen is first used in the industries that require a lot of energy  Energieverbrauch der Stahlindustrie in Deutschland 2015, gesamt ca.170 TWh5

emissions. In 2015, direct CO2 emissions of 59 million metric tons of CO2e.37 were generated in the
production and processing of pig iron and steel. Coke oven products caused just under
5 million tons of direct CO2e. emissions. The production of oxygen steel produced specific
emissions of around 1.725 metric tons of CO2e. per metric ton of crude steel.38 Indirect (Scope 2) emissions
emissions from the purchase of electricity in primary production are low, if they occur at all, as the electricity required for primary
electricity requirements in the production of oxygen steel are mainly covered by the company's own electricity.
covered by the company's own electricity.

5. Only when an ACTUAL green power surplus is available the electrolysis is used - otherwise the general public is deprived of GREEN POWER!

Now you decide as a voter in the federal election 2021 on Sunday 26 September whether you, your children, grandchildren and other generations still have a future!

The previous governments from CDU/CSU and SPD have massively promoted the ECONOMY, and the human being, the living beings on our earth almost not considered.

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