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Converting gas networks to hydrogen lowers climate costs

Durch Investitionen in eine kombinierte Strom- und Gasinfrastruktur lassen sich beim klimaneutralen Umbau der Energieversorgung Milliardeneinsparungen realisieren

Durch Investitionen in eine kombinierte Strom- und Gasinfrastruktur lassen sich beim klimaneutralen Umbau der Energieversorgung Milliardeneinsparungen realisieren

Excerpt energate messenger:

Brüssel (energate) -

By investing in a combined electricity and gas infrastructure.

Billions can be saved in the climate-neutral conversion of the energy supply. Between 2031 and 2050, they could amount to around 41 billion euros per year, according to a recent report by the "Ready4H2" initiative. This was announced by the initiative's German representative, "H2vorOrt," and the VKU and DVGW associations. "The report shows that investments in a combined electricity and gas infrastructure are cheaper than in a scenario that relies heavily on electrification," said Florian Feller, chairman of "H2vorOrt"....

Gas networks make climate-neutral future affordable

Today, most energy is consumed in molecular form rather than in the form of electrons, the argument goes. Electrification would require the expansion of electricity grids at enormous cost, which the initiative believes is unjustifiable in light of the more cost-effective conversion of gas grids. It is important to set the course now to ensure that energy remains affordable in a carbon-neutral future, they say. The Report is the initiative's second publication. A first report focused on the technical suitability of gas distribution networks for transporting hydrogen (energate berichtete). /tc

Synergie of solar power and hydrogen economy




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